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Types of Shamanic Healing

Power Retrieval-(power animal retrieval) in which the Shamanic practitioner enhances the individual's power by bringing them into connection with a compassionate spirit helper (human or animal form.)

Soul Retrieval-Soul Retrieval is a process of reuniting dissociated soul parts with the person's life/soul essence. From the Shamanic perspective we all experience soul loss throughout our lives. It is a natural preservation mechanism and most of the time that soul part returns on its own. An issue arises when the soul part does not return and takes up residence in the spirit world, often getting its needs met there. By retrieving lost parts we repair the fabric of our soul and build our personal power. Soul loss occurs due to traumatic events (rape, abuse, abortion, experiences of war, PTSD, car accidents, if a stranger yells at us, moving from a beloved home, losing a favorite toy.) Note the traumatic part of the soul loss does not return, only your soul essence that is vital to your wholeness.


Extraction Healing- (Healing energetic intrusions) Illness, disease, and physical pain are a physical manifestation of energetic intrusions. From a Shamanic view illness is the result of dis-harmony created in one's energy-system. Energetic intrusions manifest in the physical body as illness and need to be extracted. The energetic body is very responsive to thoughts and emotions. Negative memories, rumination, negative thoughts directed towards you by someone else, or ill feelings that are held for any length of time within the energetic body can form an intrusion that will distort the energetic field. When the energetic body is distorted, the physical body becomes distorted and unable to act as its own inner healer.

The Shaman removes these energetic intrusions and facilitates the healing process of the body.


Divination-Divination is a technique used to acquire info or advise from the spirits. This is when the individual phrases a question regarding an issue or situation they would like guidance on and the Shaman journeys to the spirit world to ask on their behalf. This information can be useful in dealing with difficult life situations, changing a job, moving, beginning a new endeavor, problems with relationships.


Psychopomp- Psychopomp work is when a Shaman assists the spirit of a dying or deceased person trapped here on earth in moving forward to the spirit world.


Spirit Teaching-The spirits may have something for you to incorporate into your life to assist in strengthening your personal power.

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